Infraware Technology
첨부1. 라이브러리_자료실
전체 712
번호 썸네일 제목 작성자 작성일 추천 조회
642 Characterization of Trastuzumab Antibody-Drug Conjugates Using Bio-layer Interferometry and Advanced Flow Cytometry
Characterization of Trastuzumab Antibody-Drug Conjugates Using Bio-layer Interferometry and Advanced Flow Cytometry
Characterization of Trastuzumab Antibody-Drug Conjugates Using Bio-layer Interferometry and Advanced Flow Cytometry
admin | 2023.06.14 | 추천 0 | 조회 5
admin 2023.06.14 0 5
641 Sartorius Supplier Integrity Testing (SIT) for Celsius® Bag Assemblies for Frozen Storage and Shipping
Sartorius Supplier Integrity Testing (SIT) for Celsius® Bag Assemblies for Frozen Storage and Shipping
Sartorius Supplier Integrity Testing (SIT) for Celsius® Bag Assemblies for Frozen Storage and Shipping
admin | 2023.06.14 | 추천 0 | 조회 5
admin 2023.06.14 0 5
640 Dynamic Quantification of Cell Migration in Real Time
Dynamic Quantification of Cell Migration in Real Time
Dynamic Quantification of Cell Migration in Real Time
admin | 2023.05.12 | 추천 0 | 조회 13
admin 2023.05.12 0 13
639 Surfactants Selection Guide for Lateral Flow Assays
Surfactants Selection Guide for Lateral Flow Assays
Surfactants Selection Guide for Lateral Flow Assays
admin | 2023.05.12 | 추천 0 | 조회 5
admin 2023.05.12 0 5
638 AI-Driven Label-Free Quantification of Cell Viability Using Live-Cell Analysis
AI-Driven Label-Free Quantification of Cell Viability Using Live-Cell Analysis
AI-Driven Label-Free Quantification of Cell Viability Using Live-Cell Analysis
admin | 2023.05.02 | 추천 0 | 조회 6
admin 2023.05.02 0 6
637 Ten Applications of Live-Cell Analysis in Immunology
Ten Applications of Live-Cell Analysis in Immunology
Ten Applications of Live-Cell Analysis in Immunology
admin | 2023.04.26 | 추천 0 | 조회 6
admin 2023.04.26 0 6
636 Characterization and Optimization of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells using Flow Cytometry
Characterization and Optimization of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells using Flow Cytometry
Characterization and Optimization of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells using Flow Cytometry
admin | 2023.04.24 | 추천 0 | 조회 6
admin 2023.04.24 0 6
635 Arium Smart Station 초순수/순수 분주를 위한 가장 유연한 솔루션
Arium Smart Station 초순수/순수 분주를 위한 가장 유연한 솔루션
Arium Smart Station 초순수/순수 분주를 위한 가장 유연한 솔루션
admin | 2023.04.12 | 추천 0 | 조회 7
admin 2023.04.12 0 7
634 Utilizing Advanced High-Throughput Flow Cytometry to Quantify Direct and Competitive Live Cell Antibody Binding
Utilizing Advanced High-Throughput Flow Cytometry to Quantify Direct and Competitive Live Cell Antibody Binding
Utilizing Advanced High-Throughput Flow Cytometry to Quantify Direct and Competitive Live Cell Antibody Binding
admin | 2023.03.30 | 추천 0 | 조회 11
admin 2023.03.30 0 11
633 Combining Advanced Flow Cytometry and BLI Label-Free Detection for Broad Characterization of Antibody Binding and Function
Combining Advanced Flow Cytometry and BLI Label-Free Detection for Broad Characterization of Antibody Binding and Function
Combining Advanced Flow Cytometry and BLI Label-Free Detection for Broad Characterization of Antibody Binding and Function
admin | 2023.03.20 | 추천 0 | 조회 7
admin 2023.03.20 0 7
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